Join a Serve Team

There are different kinds of service, but we all serve the same Lord; all of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.

—1 CORINTHIANS 12:5, 27

want to discover your spiritual gift?

Interested in joining a team?

It takes a small army each week to make our Sunday services happen. Serving the church is something God instructs all of his followers to do, but serving is so much more than showing up for an assignment on a Sunday. Serving at The Bridge Church gives you the opportunity to:

  • Make an eternal difference in the lives of the people you serve.

  • Share the message of Christ with others.

  • Develop friendships with the people you serve alongside.

  • Grow and develop the spiritual gifts God has given you.

  • Be a part of something bigger than yourself!

Already Serving?

Make sure you have the PCO Services App!